President Kathy Higgins presents Immediate Past President Shirley Bullock with a plaque for her dedicated service as the Club’s President from Oct 2021 to Sept 2023.
Charter Secretary Rick Brooks presents the Legion of Honour award to Director Rob Dalziel for having 25 years in Kiwanis!
Kiwanian of the Year presented to President-Elect Jennifer Parker for all of her hard work on the last year getting our Club organized.
Distinguished Lieutenant Governor plaque presented to PLG Martin Mann who just finished two years as LG for Division 8 by Home Club Huntsville Muskoka.
Certificate of Appreciation presented to Nancy Waxl of Trinity United Church, UCW for all her efforts providing dinners for our Member Meetings.
2023-October Our club won the award in the fourth quarter for the most points in Division 8 for meeting & exceeding the goals set out by the Governor and Lieutenant Governor. Q4 2022-2023
2023-5-20 We are the recipient of the Laurent Girouard Monthly Quarterly Bulletin Award! It is presented to the Club that issues the best monthly/quarterly Bulletin in electronic or paper media.
2023-04-22 Our club won the award this quarter for the most points in Division 8 for meeting & exceeding the goals set out by the Governor and Lieutenant Governor. Q2 2022-2023
Congratulations to LG Martin Mann for obtaining his Distinguished status in his first year as LG (2021-2022) from your home Club of Huntsville Muskoka!
2022-12-06 Director Jennifer Parker (C) presenting Secretary/Treasurer Rick Brooks (L), a Certificate of Appreciation for his efforts on the Dinner Anywhere in the World event.
2022-12-06 President Shirley Bullock (R) presenting President-Elect Kathy Higgins (R) the 2021-2022 Kiwanian of the Year Award.
2022-11-08 LG Martin Mann presenting Certificate of Excellence for Club Growth Attainment to President Shirley Bullock.
2022-11-08 Our second quarterly award from LG Martin Mann presented to President Shirley Bullock for meeting and exceeding the goals set out by the Governor and Lieutenant Governor. Q4 2021-2022
2022-10-04 LG Martin Mann presenting President Shirley Bullock with a certificate for meeting her goal of 10 new members for the year!
2022-07-16 Our club won the award this quarter for the most points in Division 8 for meeting & exceeding the goals set out by the Governor and Lieutenant Governor. Q3 2021-2022
Award of Merit (Rick Brooks, left) as Outstanding secretary in the District...Ray Allen Memorial Award (Rick Brooks, left) 2019-20 awarded annually by the Eastern Canada & the Caribbean (EC&C) Past Lieutenant Governor (PLG) Committee, from those names nominated to represent their Divisions.....Godfrey Dyer Marketing Award (Kiwanis Club of Huntsville Muskoka, held by Martin Mann, right) recognized by the EC&C as the club who best marketed Kiwanis and their club that year.
Martin Mann receiving his Past President's Plaque (Oct.2021)
Distinguished Kiwanis Recognition, given to PLG Rick Brooks by Kiwanis International President Jane Erickson. (This was an honour bestowed that year to only 2 members of EC&C, the other was PG Allen Ure)
Signing of our charter documents; Charter President Brittany Robbins, PG Chuck McIlravey and PLG Rick Brooks (August 15, 2017)
Charter President Brittany Robbins receiving our banner from EC&C District Governor Phil Rossy at our Charter Night (November 2017)